Bohunt School in Horsham is the first purpose built all through school delivered for the Bohunt Education Trust.
The project was procured by the Department for Education, and we were appointed by Wates Construction to develop the site masterplan and landscape design proposals from concept to completion
The school, which provides a two-form entry Nursery, Reception, Primary School and a eight-form entry Secondary School is at the heart of the wider North Horsham Development. North Horsham is a new community with housing, shops, public open spaces, sports and recreation facilities and allotments. The construction of the school was the first part of this wider development, acting as a grounding point and community hub for the wider development.
The school is located on a greenfield site, surrounded by wider countryside and we worked with the client, design team and school trust to develop a site masterplan that met the needs of the students, staff and community whilst maintaining a line of mature trees and hedgerow in the centre of the site.

It was crucial that this vegetation was retained, not only for habitat value, but also to help blend the building in its setting and create a more attractive school environment. The building and external courtyards were intentionally orientated towards this mature vegetation to visually connect it to the wider landscape.

Sustainable drainage, ecological constraints and habitat creation were key design drivers. Extensive vegetated Suds systems with ponds and swales were created. In liaison with the project Ecologist additional features where included in the design comprising
A new, segregated pond for Great Crested Newts
A 3m buffer zone between existing hedgerows and new fencing
New woodland and tree planting
Extensive areas of flowering herbaceous perennials
This ecologically sensitive approach helped us to deliver the schools ‘Forest School’ aspirations and create a very distinct landscape character.
The end result of the scheme is an attractive school that feels as though it has been on the site for much longer than it has thanks to the mature surrounding vegetation and lush herbaceous planting.